Share the story
behind your pictures
  with PixStori.

Now there are three ways to make PixStories:

New! PixStoriCard™

Your Voice and the World’s Great Museum Images

Share images from the world’s great museums along with a personal message in your own voice – for free.

Send a PixStoriCard to someone you care about.

Cloud-based Web App

It works on any mobile device or laptop, for making and sharing PixStories with comments and likes and Groups and story collection tools.

iOS App for iPhone and iPad

PixStories made locally and easily uploaded to web portals, shared on social media and email.

What is PixStori?

Every picture has a story to tell. Now you can tell that story in your own voice and share it now and for the future. You start with a picture, then record your story and add a text caption. That’s a PixStori. It’s for sharing pictures and stories.

To remember. To explore. To share. To explain. To discover. And just for fun, too!

“PixStori is the perfect app for
#throwbackthursday.” – Twenty-five Year Old

How to Make a PixStori


Take a picture from your
camera or your camera roll.


Record your story.


Facebook, Instagram, or email

“It’s like sending a time capsule to your
kids in the future”. – Young mother

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